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Licensed Massage & Sound Therapy
For Balance, Memory, and Sleep

Meet  —  

Karina Yanku


The three most profound healing elements on Earth are sound, rhythm, and touch. They are the most primal forces we humans resonate with, regardless of race, gender, age, and culture. A warm, reassuring touch or the sound of beautiful music can literally restore and lift your spirit, grounding you and letting you know that you are safe and loved.

​The mission of OANA Healing Arts is the discovery and creation of new ways to merge these powerful energies of massage and music to affect an even greater sense of balance and well-being. Whether it is massage accompanied by live didgeridoo, vibrational sound therapy, or composing exclusive musical scores for OANAMassage®, we seek to provide increasingly innovative healing therapies for the 21st Century, specializing in touch, rhythm, and sound for the body, mind, and soul.

Proudly Licensed in Texas and New York.

TX License #123521  /  NY License #010231


Debuted in Hawaii in 2010, OANAMassage® is an extraordinarily precise combination of music and massage set to a slow, continuous tempo of 60 beats per minute to calm your brainwaves into a meditative, alpha state.

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The basis for OANAMassage®, which includes elements of Swedish, Deep Tissue, Shiatsu, and LomiLomi, but more free-flowing and less rhythmic. May also include complimentary Vibroacoustics, Cupping, and TheraGun percussive therapy.

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The utilization of traditional tuning forks and colored lights on acupuncture command points helps to release energetic blockages within your physical and etheric body (aura).

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The ambient rolling waves of sound lull the mind into deep relaxation, while the subtle vibrations offer a gentle “massage” to the cellular tissues of the body. Vibroacoustic therapy imitates the intrauterine vibrations felt during the 9 months in the womb, a time of vital growth and cellular creation.


Hand-made in Germany, the Feeltone Monochord is a 60-stringed instrument with 30 strings on one side, and 30 bass strings on the other side.  When both sides are played simultaneously, it creates a beautiful sound bath, surrounding you with magnificent overtones, leading to a deeply meditative state.  

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Feeling sluggish? Bloated? Congested? Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is a gentle, painless, rhythmic manual technique that stimulates the lymphatic system, helping to remove toxins, bacteria, cell debris, waste, and edema.

"Thank you so much for all you’ve done for me this year.  February was so hard with the recovery from surgery.  You were the one bright spot.  I’m so grateful to you for teaching me about massage and vibrational sound therapy.  You bring great warmth and energy with you everywhere you go. May your life be filled with blessings!"

T. Bogle, PhD, New York, NY

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The Sanctuary ATX

2499 S. Capital of TX Hwy.

Suite A-102

Austin, Texas 78746


Sessions By Appointment Only

Available 7 Days / Week For
In Studio and Outcall Sessions
*Additional Travel Fee of $25

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© 2023 Oana Healing Arts LLC. Proudly Built by Legend & Ko.

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